Life on the Edge---.

>> Tuesday, March 21, 2006 ; 11:59 PM
What a Day!!!

Hahaha... We (my classmates and I) went to SM at 10 AM because there's a scholarship meeting which went on until 2 PM. So, we played in the arcade (Dance Mania and Dance Revolution), and i was able to play DotA for the first time! Hehe... Then, I went home, took a nap of about 3 hours... (What a nap). Ate dinner... and soon, found myself posting in this blog... hehe... Out of boredom, I filled this survey I found in the K-Zone forums just for fun. ;D

*Name: Kathleen Mae S(arrosa) Iniguez
*Nicknames: Kamae, Mae, Kammer, Kamper, Pokamae, Pikamae
*Birthday: March 11, 1991
*Age: 15
*Age you act like: somewhere between 10 and 12
*Age you wish you were: 12!!!
*Gender: Female
*Your Height: a little bit over 5 feet
*Eye Color: Dark Brown
*Happy with It?: Yup
*Hair Color: Black
*Happy with It?: Yup
*Left Handed/Right Handed/Ambidextrous [Both]: Right
*Any Obsessions?: Pokemon
*Do you speak any other language?: Ummm.... besides Filipino/ Tagalog? ... English.
*Do you have a favorite quote?: "Tell me not in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream."
*Do you have a webpage?: Yup!

*Favorite Actresses: Raven Symone, Brenda Song, Lindsay Lohan
*Favorite Actors: Josk Peck, Steve Martin, Ricky Ullman
*Favorite Female Singers: Michelle Branch, Mandy Moore, Kelly Clarkson
*Favorite Male Singers: Cats Stevens, Jesse McCartney, Clay Aiken
*Favorite Band/Group: A1, Backstreet Boys, Aly and AJ, Simon and Garfunkel
*Favorite Movie: A Walk to Remember, Fraky Friday, Brother Bear, Pokemon: Spell of the Unown
*Favorite Book: The Notebook, Guinness Book of World Records, Tuesdays with Morrie
*Favorite Author: Nicholas Sparks, Mitch Albom
*Favorite Sports: Hmm... does bowling count?!
*Favorite Athlete: I have no idea...
*Favorite Song: Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson
*Favorite Website:,,
*Favorite Magazines: K-Zone (Apparently, this is the only one I read on a regular basis... hehe. Grin)
*Favorite Color: Orange, Blue, Apple Green
*Favorite Albums: Breakaway (Kelly Clarkson), Measure of A Man (Clay Aiken), The Best of Cat Stevens (Cat Stevens), Disney Magic (Various Artists), Coverage (Mandy More)
*Favorite Country: Switzerland!!! Cheesy
*Favorite Anime Series: Cardcaptor Sakura!!! Cheesy
*Favorite Food: Kare-kare, Beef Salpicao, Lechon Paksiw (and a whole lot more)
*Favorite Drinks: Iced tea, Rootbeer float!!!
*Favorite Subject: Chemistry Grin

* Who is your best friend?: Jerico, Dana
* Who's the one person that knows most about you?: Jerico
* What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: "If it's your obssession that keeps you going on, better as well keep that obssession rather than die down on it."
* Your favorite inside joke?: Kamae's well... hmmm... I used to sing with a friend that we live in a mental hospital... haha.
* Thing you're picked on most about?: This guy who stalks on me... argh.
* Who's your longest known friend?: Redg... known her since prep
* Newest?: KHQ peeps...
* Shyest?: Jayvee
* Funniest?: Jerico
* Sweetest?: Patrick
* Closest?: Jerico
* Weirdest?: Sean
* Smartest?: Kevin
* Ditziest?: Patrick
* Friends you miss being close to the most?: Dana
* Last person you talked to online?: Joriel... I call him Lolo... haha.
* Who do you talk to most online?: Ron a.k.a. RonaldLuna and Anjo a.k.a. Chromatics of KHQ
* Who are you on the phone with most?: Jerico... he's just so talkative... hehe.
* Who do you trust most?: Jerico
* Who listens to your problems?: Jerico
* Who do you fight most with?: Jerico
* Who's the nicest?: Mari
* Who's the most outgoing?: err... Jerico...
* Who's the best singer?: Patrick!!! Grin
* Who's your second family?: Paolo, my cousin next door Grin
* Do you always feel understood?: 95% of the time... Grin
* Who's the loudest friend?: Jerico... I don't knwo why...
* Do you trust others easily?: Nope... You need to be a kinda close friend first...
* Who's house were you last at?: Paolo's... my cousin next door...
* Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: Patrick Grin
* Do your friends know you?: Yep... a whole lot. Cheesy
* Friend that lives farthest away: Daryl (La Palma, USA)

Who Was the Last Person...
* That haunted you?: Jason-burr
* That you laughed at?: Jerico
* That laughed at you?: Jason-burr
* You went shopping with?: Jerico and Patirck
* That broke your heart?: no one... as far as I'm concerned. Cheesy
* To disappoint you?: Kevin
* To make you cry?: myself... haha.
* To brighten up your day?: Jerico
* That you thought about?: Paolo, my cousin
* You saw a movie with?: my parents... what was that movie?! ... Oh yeah. King Kong.
* You talked to on the phone?: Ninang Anne

Right This Moment...
* What book are you reading?: Currently none. Last one was "Kitchen God's Wife" by Amy Tan
* What's on your mousepad?: a logo of Logitech... hehe.
* Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: happy bored pokefan surfing KHQ
* Are you bored?: Yup....
* Are you tired?: Yup..
* Are you talking to anyone online?: Nope.
* Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: Nope.
* Are you listening to music?: Nope... All I can hear is the sound of my keyboard being typed on and the sound of the electric fan... hehe.

Oh.... at last!!! I'm done!!! Grin Cheesy Grin


0 shouts

>> Monday, March 20, 2006 ; 9:16 PM
Clearance... sigh...

First of all, I want to greet a very happy birthday to my Dad... ^_^

Anyway, other than that, more clearance... argh... I guess my comment about school is, get more organized! Hope you guys don't sign one at a time per day, but all at one day. ^_^ Hopefully, this gets done next year... Anyway, vacation's just around the corner so I'll just hope things get done soon! ^_^


0 shouts

>> Thursday, March 16, 2006 ; 10:51 PM
YEY!!! YEY!!! YEY!!!

*This is one of Kamae's Auti posts... Don't tell me you haven't been warned!!!*

Five words... POKEMON'S BACK IN THE PHILIPPINES!!! Yey!!! I'm soooo happy!!! After waiting for 4 years or more... my wish came true!!! (So... that means, my inference about the Ho-oh screenshot of Toonami I found in a website is true... ^_^) Yes! Yes! Yes! I am sooo in a cloud nine moment right now!!! ^_^ What a nice treat for surviving 3rd year... Pokemon back in the Philippines!!! Now, that's another reason to love vacation!!! ;D


P.S. Pokemon will air again in April 1 on Cartoon Network! I'm still in a state of shock!!! Weeee!!! SO HAPPY!!! ^_^

1 shouts

>> ; 3:28 PM
Clearance, clearance, clearance

Clearance week... Give me two words to describe this thing, I'd pick "stressful" and "enjoyable". Stressful because of running here and there, asking teachers to sign on the clearance sheet, asking them when they will sign, or asking what requirements we still need to submit. Enjoyable because we get to go on gimmicks! Yes! ^_^ We just went to Makati yesterday, and it was really fun... and tiring. But it was sure worth it! ^_^ Hey, at least, the school year's over. Thank goodness. ^_^ I just wanna say a big hello to Summer!

0 shouts

>> Saturday, March 11, 2006 ; 8:37 AM
Happy!!! ^_^

Almost 2 hours of being 15... I still feel like I'm 12... hahaha... Anyway, I feel so happy!!! ^_^ I had such a great time yesterday, March 10... ^_^ Got myself 4 new Pokemon figurines and 4 new Pokemon plushies, we went to Timezone, and we ate out for dinner!!! ^_^ So much for my birthday eve. (You know, the day before my birthday... ^_^) Till the next post! Got to have fun!!!

0 shouts

>> Thursday, March 09, 2006 ; 7:32 PM
Vacation... at last!!!

Yey!!! Hahahahaha... Finally it's vacation!!! After 3 long nights of sleeping between 2 to 3 AM and answering torturous periodic exams, I'll finally be able to sleep early and forget all about my studies... At last, 1 more year left with highschool... and the horrors of Pisay...
Well... about Pisay... maybe it's not pure horror... It's also fun... People there being nerds? I don't thin so... Honestly, that's what I also thought before I entered, but I was wrong...
People there are actually normal too, with some, just some, having extreme cases. But pretty much we're normal. This place (Pisay) is fun, in its own unique way...
... At least it's already vacation, but then again, there's just one year left!!! I will miss all my friends when we graduate next year!!! Anyway, that life!

0 shouts

>> Sunday, March 05, 2006 ; 5:10 PM
The Other Side of Me...

Maybe I always tend to release the childish part of me in this blog. Today, I want something differrent.
I've never wanted to grow old 99% of the time... It seems like time is too short. I can't seem to fit everything I want to happen in the time I was given per day. Sometimes, I just want to go back in time to do everything that I have to do, but I can't.
Growing up is always a challenge for me. It's hard for me to let go of some things, and accept the new responsibilities waiting out there for me. I know that I don't have any choice but to go forward, and leaving some childhood stuff behind will always be a burden.
I am currently in the "denial-stage" as I approach my 15th year in this world. I still want to be 12! Maybe, because you can get to do everything you want as a kid, and at the same time, be grown-up. Too bad that there's nobody able to turn back time, because somehow, I wish to turn it back to correct some things that I should have done.
Anyway, life must go on! Vacation's near, and I'm itching to take a break from studying! Till then!
"Life, life goes on, and it's only gonna make me strong
It's a fact once you get on board, say goodbye 'cause you can't go back.
Oh, it's a fight, and I really wanna get it right.
Where I'm at is my life before me and this feeling that I can't go back."
-LeAnn Rhymes


0 shouts

>> Friday, March 03, 2006 ; 9:10 PM
Special Episode: A Room in the Eyes of a Pokemaniac...

So... How will I start this post off?!... Anyway, I haven't posted for the past few days because school has been really hectic... I slept past 1 AM for 3 days straight, and that just means that I did a lot of things I not-so-normally do (like studying for more than 1 hour a day...).

Going back to this entry, this is an epitome of "me". (a.k.a. "my room" and Pokemon shrine... haha.). (Take note: this is a "Special Episode". You might never see my room again. (kidding!)) You heard that right! My Pokemon-infested bedroom... Haha...

...My door and my full-sized mirror are both decorated with pokemon... The mirror, as you can see, has pokemon texts (you know, the cardboard ones sold in the sidewalks before?!) decorated for its borders... I worked for more than 2 hours (all in all) just to make that thing!!! The Pokemon collage you see at the back of my door, was made in about the same time frame as the mirror, but it was made earlier... That is how I use my free time... Do collages of Pokemon... Hehe... ^_^

...Inside my closet... at the left of my full-sized mirror... That is where I keep all my other stuff... Take for example, these Pokemon giftwrappers, Pokemon notepads, Pokemon pencils, my toys and my school supplies... ^_^

...This is my room at the right of my door...

...My old computer desk... It now serves the very useful purpose of.... *drumroll* My dresser, cd stand(not shown in the picture) and Pokemon figurines stand!!! *laughs* Hahaha... ^_^

...This is what you'll see at the top of my suspended bookshelf... More Pokemon... Some Pikachu shrine (I don't know why somebody in our household put it there.), some large figurines, and this inflatable chair (the orange one). *grins* ^_^

... Right below (the previous pic) are my Pokemon plushies, a pokeball and a masterball and some Pokemon figurines...

...And going down a little bit more (the previous pic)... is my computer and my study table (as you can see, there is a pokemon giftwrapper under the glass... Again, this is the product of my "it-is-so-boring-i'll-decorate-my-room-with-more-Pokemon time. ^_^ My desktop computer, on the other hand, before it crashed, was also infested with Pokemon (same goes with my laptop). Pokemon wallpaper, Pokemon mp3 Pokemon icons, Pokemon pics, Pokemon cursors... name it. Haha. ^_^ They are currently undergoing "restoration" to get back to their old Pokemon-ish state. ^_^

...My TV stand, at the corner of my room. There are pokemon plushies and figurines on top, and Pokemon glow-in-the-dark things (Put by somebody in our household, yet again.).. ^_^

...When you open the drawer underneath my TV stand, this is what you'll see... A collection of my Pokemon videos... Scavenged, burned and donated. ^_^ My special Pokemon video storage place. ^_^

...On top of my window (at the back of the TV and adjacent to it, opposite my bookshelf) are... more Pokemon. Here is a sample. That is also a product of my Pokemon-decorating free time... ^_^ My wall clock also used to be Pokemon, but it's already broken... Hopefully, I'll be able to make my wall clock Pokemon-ish again... *grins* ^_^

...Pati aircon ay napagtripan ko rin... I also put figurines on top of my aircon... Hehehe... ^_^

...Pokemon pocketbooks... I've got about 17 of them. ^_^ (This is at the bottom-right side of my bookshelf.)

...Right below the bookshelf and the right side of my computer are... my Pokemon toothbrushes... Haha... These are just the weirdest stuff I have concerning Pokemon (In my opinion, I think.)

... And last but not the least... my bed!!! And my medium to large-sized Pokemon stuffed toys who I bring (one at a time) with me in our car. Hahaha...

Well, that is my room... A summary of it at least. I still have tons of Pokemon stuff lying around (In other parts of the house and deeper in the nooks and crannies of my room.)... Wait till I give you a live actual tour of my house (haha... as if I can.)... Well, till then!


P.S. It's our finals next week!!! Weee!!! Vacation's sooooo near!!! ^_^

8 shouts

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Kamae Iniguez
17. March 11. Pinoy. Pisay. DLSU.

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